Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Welcome to The Derek Yu Fanclub! Ahem, I mean The Backlog Review

So I realized I forgot to do one of these introductory posts for this one! I am Carl Smith (aka Judgegrumble) a third year journalism student.  I made this blog for a digital journalism class, so it will be a side project to my main blog (The Plot Branch).  I thought it would be fun to review somewhat under the radar games as opposed to big triple A releases that most people cover.  That said, I swear it was a coincidence that the first two games I reviewed were by Derek Yu.  I just thought, "hey why don't I review Aquaria and Spelunky?"  I only remembered that they were made by the same guy halfway through writing the Aquaria review.  I swear next post will be about a game made by a different guy.

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